


The local history society of Baarle is named after Amalia of Solms, a Dutch princess that lived in the 17th century. She’s an ancestor of all reigning European royal houses. Amalia of Solms is widely known in the Netherlands and in Belgium and she had part in the maintenance of the enclaves in Baarle. She symbolises …

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The society has:  supporting members who pay their contribution and keep at a distance.  members who participate in the activities.  members who are active in the board or in working groups.  undertaking members who execute all kinds of small jobs for the society.



Our society occupies itself with the local inheritance in order to interest the members in the past and the present of our community, to increase our knowledge and to maintain the valuable of former days. ‘Amalia’ therefore collects information in the widest sense of the word about subjects concerning the history of Baarle, Castelré, Ulicoten …

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